Monday, June 3, 2013


Oh Queen, how amazing you are. And Freddy Mercury....oh boy can that man sing or what?

In class we just finished talking about love. Falling in love, choosing a lie partner, etc. At the end of class each day I just thought to myself, especially after the discussing on falling in love, "I've never been in love before!" I've had previous relationships before and seriously pondered at what point in these relationships, I had indeed fallen "in love"with these guys. I layer realized that in a majority of these relationships, I only said the "L"word when I felt a need to have the relationship reach a deeper level. I felt like saying those three words meant that we were completely settled on each other...until of course when we decided to break it off.

This whole discussion on love in general was kinda hard to sit through because my own personal views on the matter are skewed. I don't really know what it really is, well I do in a way, but I feel like the main examples in my life who were supposed to help me in defining this word, messed up my understanding of what it means to love someone-- my parents.
I think that to be in love with someone-- it means different things to different people. At this point in my life I'm still trying to figure this out. At times when I think back to specific guys I've been in relations with, I think "yeah, I've been in love with him" and other times I'm like "No." After discussing this topic n class, I feel ready to really start figuring out what love means again. This topic has really made me think about also reasons why a specific past relationship failed and perhaps can one day revive if the circumstances are acceptable.I really discovered how important it really is to have shared values, backgrounds, and experiences when you're with someone and how those similarities are what makes you a good match with that person. I learned to reject the belief that "opposites attract". Now that I think about it, half of my past relationships were "opposite"-- there we go to why they failed!

And because I just really love Queen, here's a little something else.

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